Aloha Ideas is a social venture founded in 2014 through the social enterprise development program.
Our philosophy is one where technology is not only for satisfying vanity,
but that it will hold a greater value when it is managed to enhance everyone's lifestyle.
Creating social value
Developing innovative products
작은 관심에서 시작되는 최선
Aloha Ideas takes a look at daily life to identity simple needs that if tackled from a different perspective can make small
but significann improvement.
Our aim is to think differently, helping to build a happier society.
Aloha Ideas will go through various stages to design and develop a product, one will provide greater harmony to everyone's life.
Furthermore, we will develop product, which is not out of place in people's exiting lifestyle
and can be easily used on daily basis.
11 Best results award for an incubation company -
Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency.
12 IT Female Entrepreneur, Innovative Software
-Electronic News Company
11 Excellence Award in Global Sector
- Social Venture Competition
06 Patent Technology Award - korean IP Office
Special Article Reported by Bloter
Tombook was introduced by Bloter as a special article
11 Gained sponsorship from Korea Social Enterprise promotion Agency to develop maketing.
10 Demonstrate Tombook at GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK - Dubai
10 Tombook demonstrate on KBS2 TV channel
09 Starting Voice Bucket Callenge to record celebrities reading cheldrens story books for charity use.
09 Demostrated Tombook at TOKYO GIFT SHOW 2014
06 Hyundai Motors JungMongGu Foundation agreed sponsored development of Tombook via H-on dream Fellowship progamme
H-on dream Fellow
04 Children's book illustrators cooperative demonstrates Tombook at book fair
03 Aloha Ideas founded
+82) 070-5001-1777
715, Tongil-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Aloha Ideas was posted on the NAVER main page in the section on public interests/shares on Nov. 17th 2014.
The article about Aloha Ideas was reported in Benefit Magazine on Nov 10th 2014.
Aloha ideas was appearance on broadcasting KBS2TV 'Live information source' on Oct 9th 2014.
06 Incheon airport Duty-free shop, Success a incheon duty-free shop paragraph 1, 2.
05 Small Business Distribution Center subjectivitiy enterprise public homeshopping supporting
business selected.
05 Success being part of the Happy Department
Store HIT500 plaza.
04 Small business Distribution Center subjectivity enterprise Marketing Innovation selected.
04 Small business Export Support Center supervise
export Consortium business selected.
04 KOTRA supervise Domestic company export
Industrialize business selected
03 KBS2 Goodmorning Korea introduced Alohaideas.
01 EBS Creative Korea record 100 hours introduced Alohaieas.
-Cheong wa dae and the Gwacheon National
Science Museum Exhibition for Creative Economy achievements.